Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Turkey Trot

Well, the annual Turkey Trot was held at Thanksgiving and Maegan decided she wanted to participate.  The TT was a 2 mile walk/run fun event where each person had to guess their time at the finish.  The participant with the closest time to their predicted finish would receive prizes (i.e., 1st place - a turkey, second and third place - a chicken).  Each participant was not allowed to have a watch with them.  Maegan had never ran more than a half of a mile at once so  this was a big challenge for her.  We watched her dash off at the beginning and we met her at several points along the route.  After a while she had to walk and at times struggled through the event.  However, she persevered and finished like a champion.  We were so proud of her for weathering through the pain.  When it was all said and done, she found out that she came in second place within 9 seconds of her predicted time.  It was amazing and she was very excited to bring the frozen chicken home for dinner.  Way to go Maegan!!!!
Maegan arriving at the Turkey Trot.

Jane Sholar demonstrating how to stretch before the race.

Starting line.

Bob Sholar informing the group of the route...

And their off!

Maegan in the middle of the pack...

Halfway done and feeling the heat....

Maegan continues on...

Dad meets at a crossroad to offer words of encouragement!

Home stretch to the finish line at Emon Beach!

Just after crossing the finish line...

Cooling off with a Hawaiian Sun beverage!  Dad extremely proud of his daughter.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reefing and Fish Fry

On veteran's day weekend, we went exploring the reef on the oceanside of Kwaj then we watched the special Veteran's Day celebration and then we were invited over to the Landers for some good company and to enjoy Kaya's famous fish fry.  It was very delicious. 
Another beautiful sunset on Kwaj...

Mason showing off his new game from Aunt Amy and cousin Kendra....

Maegan tries on her new shades!

Maegan looking forward to reading her new books from Aunt Amy...

Mason with his new shades doing the karate chop...

Veteran's Day celebration on Kwaj...

On our way home after a morning of checking out the reef...

Dad towing all the exploring equipment...

Got chocolate milk?

Mason and fellow classmate, Kiana, hamming it up...

Torrey and Kellen waiting for the delicious fried fish....

Lander's famous fish fry included generous hunks of tuna dredged in a delicious special batter,
homemade tarter sauce and baked fries, and crispy green beans

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Final Swim Meet of 2011

After a hard season of training, the last swim meet was held in mid-November. After Maegan turned 9 in late October, she was bumped up to the next age group for practice time. She can look forward to competing in 50 meter swims at future meets.
Mason getting set at the starting line...

There he goes....

Maegan dives in...

The girls like to act like they are tired after the first race.

Mason (first lane) pushes off for his backstroke.

Mason wants a low five from his friend, Scott E.

Maegan leading her backstroke heat.

Maegan waiting for her teammate during a relay.

She's off.

Maegan doing the breaststroke.

Halftime at the swim meet is play time. Here's Mason sneaking up behind Scott.

Mason (yellow and orange shorts) still needs a little help on the dives!
Mason excited about his relay team.

Oh, the anxiety...

Oops, forgot to go head first.

Maegan during her last relay.

Slicing the water!