Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Santa's Early Visit

The visit from Santa on Kwajalein every year near Thanksgiving is always a festive occasion.  This year, we had beautiful weather and plenty of helpers to greet Santa at the Marina where he arrived by boat, then place on a boat trailer, and had an entourage parade him to downtown.  There was singing, dancing, and goodies everywhere.  And of course, a couple of moments with Santa to let him know how wonderful we have been all year and that we deserve all the toys/games we ask for... :)
The Aljures dressed in Xmas red for Santa's arrival.

Saluting Dad.

Santa's Helpers waiting for his arrival.

He made it!!

We are so excited!!

This smile always gets me some candy.

Santa's entourage (including Mason's Teacher, Ms. McGlinn)

Mason picking up his goodies that are tossed from Santa's trailer.

Maegan and friends following Santa.

Kwaj's High School Band...

Marshallese kid's from Ebeye performing a dance...

Maegan hugging Santa

Mason's Xmas tattoo
Santa is shocked by how many gifts Mason and Maegan want under the tree.

Work Gathering and Thanksgiving Kindergarten

A work gathering at Emon Beach.  \
A few drinks after work, of course...

While the adults fed their stomachs, the children played...

Mason's Kindergarten class had a Thanksgiving party...

Mommy and Mason waiting on the party to begin...

Ms. McGlinn informing Mason where to get in line for the food...

"Daddy, don't even think about taking my food!"

The Happy Aljures

Jack, Eunah, and Sydney ready to dig in...

Kiana and Kaya, great smiles...

Scott E. and mom, Colleen

Who said that we don't like each other?

All my rowdy friends...

Jumping for joy...

Boy, I am getting tired...

Dad picked up plenty of packages from Santa's helpers.