Thursday, June 30, 2011

Countdown To Travel Day (Part 1)

The last month has been a bit hectic in preparation for our big move to Kwajalein.  It seems like we have gone through the full gamut of emotions.  Everything from sheer excitement to extreme sadness but we truly believe that at this point in our lives, it is a great opportunity for the family.  We also feel blessed that the logistics (overall) in preparation for the move has gone really well.  We were able to sell our house in less than 2 weeks of being on the market although we expect to close before the end of June.  The company movers came and packed our personal items going to Kwaj and to permanent storage 13-14 of June.

Maegan was in horse camp for the week while we packed up the house.  Here are some pics from her horse show.  She performed like an expert.  We were very proud of her.
Practicing for their demonstration

Maegan in control of Lillie

So serious...

Maegan and her instructor Lindy

A special moment between siblings...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Memorial Day In Corpus Christi, TX (Part 2)

We had a great time with Abuelitos and the warm beach weather.  Here are a few more pics of our visit along with a couple of videos for your enjoyment.  It was very sad leaving knowing that it will be about a year before we can see each other again.  However, Mason and Maegan already are looking forward to visiting again next year.  Love you guys.

 Watch out for the jelly fishes....

 I'll get it....

Captain Sparrow, watch out for Cap'n Mason...
All we need is some Jimmy Buffet and we are good to go...

Nice castle (well, sort of)

The Destroyer...

Poor Besito was terrorized for a week...

Memorial Day In Corpus Christi, TX (Part 1)

With approximately one month left before our departure to Kwajalein Atoll, we went to visit Abuelito, Abuelita, Tia Olga and Tio Eric in Corpus Christi during Memorial Day Weekend for about a week.  Couldn't believe the weather was 103 degrees when we landed in San Antonio and the humidity made it feel as if you could drink the air.  It was great to see them all and was very impressed with the rehabilitation of Abuelita's left knee from replacement surgery just two weeks ago.  It's amazing how the body can heal after a tremendous surgical procedure.  She was able to walk with a walker a few times of day and had a great attitude.  Dad has been the perfect nurse and therapist for her to ensure she maintains the required exercise regiment.

We enjoyed the shrimp and fish fry that Tio Eric put on as well as the entertainment had by all.  The beaches were packed  but we still enjoyed some water time.  Tia Olga and Maegan went horseback riding on the beach they had plenty of stories including the soreness in certain areas that cannot be described.  Maegan and Mason had a fishing competition where Mason caught the most fish and Maegan caught the largest.  No luck with the crabbing attempt, but was still fun.

It has been a wonderful week spending time with family and look forward to the rest of the week.  Unfortunately, Eric and Olga have to return to work tomorrow and we will miss them the rest of the week.  Looking forward to more good times with the Aljure clan.

 Mom being mobile with her new knee.

 Tio Eric and Tia Olga
 A couple of Davy Crocketts.
 Carrie loves her wine....

 Excellent fish fry by Tio Eric

 Mason's best friend...
 Thelma and Louise, Part 2...