Thursday, June 30, 2011

Countdown To Travel Day (Part 1)

The last month has been a bit hectic in preparation for our big move to Kwajalein.  It seems like we have gone through the full gamut of emotions.  Everything from sheer excitement to extreme sadness but we truly believe that at this point in our lives, it is a great opportunity for the family.  We also feel blessed that the logistics (overall) in preparation for the move has gone really well.  We were able to sell our house in less than 2 weeks of being on the market although we expect to close before the end of June.  The company movers came and packed our personal items going to Kwaj and to permanent storage 13-14 of June.

Maegan was in horse camp for the week while we packed up the house.  Here are some pics from her horse show.  She performed like an expert.  We were very proud of her.
Practicing for their demonstration

Maegan in control of Lillie

So serious...

Maegan and her instructor Lindy

A special moment between siblings...

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