Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marshallese Cultural Center, Manit Day, Another Fun Run

Maegan, Mason, and Carrie participated in another fun run on the island.  It was a beautiful Monday afternoon.  After the run, we visited the celebration of "Manit Day" at the Marshallese Cultural Center.  There were Marshallese demonstrating basket weaving and coconut husking, as well as offering tastes of local food (fried breadfruit chips and breadfruit pudding), and music (dancing, singing, and playing). 

Maegan and Ella on their way to the Fun Run.

Mason and Mommy lagging behind.

Registration table.

Last minute stretching before the big run.

On your marks...get set...
Maegan, Ella, and Mason look fresh.  Mason looks full of energy at the start of the event...little did he know how tired he would be at the end.

Carrie enjoying the nice jog...

Almost at the end...

Great job!!!..

Mom and son all the way to the end.

"Hey, what was that?"

"I am so tired!  Can I stop now?"

Marshallese basket weaving.

Coconut husking was demonstrated by the Marshallese. On the far left you can clearly see the spear sticking up from the ground; the coconut is slammed against it to remove the outer husk, inside is the delicious coconut water!

Julia and Maegan, coconut in hand, look like they are up to something.

Marshallese women singing.

Ella, Maegan, Julia and  Minnie enjoying the local juice.

Scaevola are one of the native plants cultivated at the center. The pots rest in a raised bed of crushed glass (vs. soil) to discourage weed growth and to minimize maintenance before being transplanted. Carrie helped install the drip line in this bed a few months ago.

Mason trying to scare Daddy (again).

This gorgeous tree is adjacent to the Marshallese Cultural Center.
Mason, in the red shorts, is trying to follow Maegan up the tree.

Does Maegan look nervous?? It's always easier to climb up then down!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

2011 Kwaj Fire Muster

Mason wearing a spider hat made in Kindergarten.

Spider pose!

Maegan taking a cruise to the fire muster festivities...

Carrie following Maegan to make sure she doesn't get lost...  :)

Here are the defending champs from the Environmental and Safety Departments.
Don Swanby, who was our island sponsor, is on the far left.

Activities for kids to enjoy included face painting, tattoos, and yo-yo's.

A view of the outdoor movie theater...

Here is one of the teams that competed in the fire muster....

Don't spill any water....

Our new island friend Lindsey Vail participated in the event and did really well....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trip to Bigej (Pronounced "Beegee")

Our friends, the Landers, invited us for a trip to Bigej.  Torrey and Kaya Landers (and kids, Kellen and Kiana) are from Spokane, WA and have been here for about 5 years.  Found out that Torrey spent time in Kennewick, WA as a coach at the Southridge High School  and trained with Pro Football player Kimo Vanolhoffen.

Bigej is an island approximately 30 minutes away by boat and beautiful.  Great way to get away from Kwaj for a half day.  We did encounter several flies, so we spent most of the time in the water.  It was a great way to spend the morning.

Torrey and Kellen enjoying the cruise to Bigej.

Captain Kaya

Mason and Kiana enjoying the ride.

Maegan loved being up front in the boat.

Mason's favorite part of the trip was jumping off the boat and getting back on for another jump.

Whew, jumping off is tiring...

Aahhh, paradise...

Friends in paradise...




Maegan, our little mermaid...

Carrie, mother mermaid...

Trip back home....

Maegan was having such a terrible time....  :)

All that jumpin wore Mason out and he slept all the way home....

Dad and son bonding...

Here is SUPER MASON....

What is that thing??  What a funny looking fish....

Mom liked to jump as well.....

Kaya cooling off...

Maegan doing her cheerleading pose...