Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trip to Bigej (Pronounced "Beegee")

Our friends, the Landers, invited us for a trip to Bigej.  Torrey and Kaya Landers (and kids, Kellen and Kiana) are from Spokane, WA and have been here for about 5 years.  Found out that Torrey spent time in Kennewick, WA as a coach at the Southridge High School  and trained with Pro Football player Kimo Vanolhoffen.

Bigej is an island approximately 30 minutes away by boat and beautiful.  Great way to get away from Kwaj for a half day.  We did encounter several flies, so we spent most of the time in the water.  It was a great way to spend the morning.

Torrey and Kellen enjoying the cruise to Bigej.

Captain Kaya

Mason and Kiana enjoying the ride.

Maegan loved being up front in the boat.

Mason's favorite part of the trip was jumping off the boat and getting back on for another jump.

Whew, jumping off is tiring...

Aahhh, paradise...

Friends in paradise...




Maegan, our little mermaid...

Carrie, mother mermaid...

Trip back home....

Maegan was having such a terrible time....  :)

All that jumpin wore Mason out and he slept all the way home....

Dad and son bonding...

Here is SUPER MASON....

What is that thing??  What a funny looking fish....

Mom liked to jump as well.....

Kaya cooling off...

Maegan doing her cheerleading pose...

1 comment:

  1. These are always so enjoyable!!! Great pics and narrative... we all thank you! Love the bonding hands... sweet. Aunt Susan
