Friday, March 15, 2013

April - June: Diving, Beach, Sports and More!

Large group of mostly island "fluff" preparing for an afternoon walk-in dive from Emon Beach. Really missing my dives with Heidi and Betina, who both have since left Kwajalein! Pictured left to right: Heidi, Carrie, Jessica, Kathy, BJ, Betina, and Marissa.
Anemonefish (commonly called clown fish). After consulting my new reef fish identification book, I believe the species is either the Clark's or Orange-finned Anemonefish?

Giant Clam

Twinspot Lionfish hiding beneath a coral ledge. Can you see him?
Mating pair of octopus keeping a close eye on one another, despite our group of divers interrupting their business.

Normally hiding in holes, this pair of mating octopus were busy at work. Notice the male's tentacle (left) attached to the female (right).

Carrie walking with Mason to the slip-n-slide.

Dad treats Mason to a super-sized snow cone.

This is how she looks after too much sugar.

Misty thinks Mason is a litter mate.

Innocence and trouble all rolled into one.

Maegan ready to play soccer!

Going after it!

It's mine!

An afternoon sailing with Jane and Bruce Premo.

Maegan swimming freestyle at one of the meets.

Mason's turn!

Mason was introduced to soccer this year.

Dad helped coach the K-2nd graders.
Crazy face team picture. Mason is lower right, Gus upper right.

Happy girl!

Julia and Maegan are ready with their crazy hair for school spirit day.

Earth Day on Kwaj: Beach clean-up!
Mason's 6th birthday on Kwajalein.

Mason with his Kindergarten teacher Mrs. McGlinn and Ms. Rosita.

Proud of his birthday crown!

Maegan at Coral Sands Beach.

Scott swinging while Mason waits for his turn!

Sunset at Coral Sands.

Maegan getting ready to participate in the 2012 Rusty Family Mini-Triathlon: a 500-yard lagoon swim, a 10-mile bike ride and 2-mile run. She and two friends teamed up, with Maegan completing the swim portion in 9:13.
Maegan is at the center of this mess, swimming freestyle.

Maegan (bottom center), swimming over coral toward the jetty and family beach.

Maegan (swim), Abbie (bike), and Ashley (run) after completing the triathlon.

Mason and Misty watching a dump truck.

Mason singing at the school concert.
Mason, Scott, Alyssa and Maegan pose at glass beach.
Carrie collecting beach glass.

Beach play.

Love when they play together like this!

Baby geckos are frequently found in the house. We have to try to rescue them from our little hunter (Misty). This little guy was one of the lucky ones.

Ms. Thompson with Minnie, Logan, Maegan and Julia.

A loving teacher.

NASA mission visits Kwajalein.

Mason excited to take the tour.

Another Kwaj sunset.

1 comment:

  1. The children are beautiful, you and Gus look great, and Misty is very cute!

    Thanks for the view into your adventures!

    Merry Christmas,

