Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Swim Meet

Maegan studying the competition...

Mason waiting for his next event.

Mason's dive technique breakdown, as shown here and the next two pictures!

Almost there!

Maegan getting ready to dive off the block (see next two pics).

Maegan's freestyle; her personal best time for the 25 meter with a time of 22.47.

Maegan's backstroke; she earned a 1st place ribbon for this 25 meter race
in the Girls 7-8 division with a time of 25.28.
Maegan thinking about her next event.

Mason looking for his next event on the schedule.

Maegan ready for the anchor leg in her relay event.

Here we go...

Mason getting one last instruction before his anchor leg swim on the relay team.

Coach Lynn gives Mason a congrats on his relay event.

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