Monday, January 9, 2012

Annual Shaving Cream Social

Mason and Maegan participated in the annual shaving cream social in late October.  Each child receives a complimentary can of shaving cream to attack their friends and comrades in the artificial pond. Age divisions made it fair and fun. Mason got to play with the younger kids, while Maegan played with the older kids. As you can see from the pics below, they all had a great time. Note to self, ..."shaving cream will dry your hair out and is impossible to remove completely from clothing."
Our friend, Kellen, takes a splash with the pre-k group.

Mom and Mason strategizing....

Maegan is excited about playing in the water.

Mason had to struggle to dispense the shaving cream...
Dad hasn't taught him how to shave yet!

The attack begins. It's clear most of these kids have done this a time or two.

Mason figured out it was easier to spray others in the back when they aren't aware.

Kiana and Mason spray each other.

"Mom, I can't see!!!  Just put the cream in my hand".
Scott, Mason's new buddy, sneaks up from behind.

All I need is one eye to play.

Mason won't need hair gel for a few weeks...

Now, it's Maegan's turn...

Galloping through the water like a filly...

Maegan gets blindsided by Hannah.

Who said this was fun!!!

Maegan figured out a way to get the shaving cream off.

It's fun to surprise others that are not expecting it.

Maegan surprised Julia...

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