Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pre-Halloween and Maegan's Birthday Party

Halloween is huge on Kwajalein; the kids have several opportunities to wear out the costumes, including a Haunted House at the Youth Center, school parade, school class party, and of course, trick-or-treating.
Mason at the Youth Center's Haunted House
wearing his Ben 10 "Heat Blast" costume (minus the mask).

Pumpkin Walk (Halloween version of the "cake walk"). Winner receives a pumpkin!

It was all about accessories for Maegan's versatile black dress. Here she is a Spider Queen, with a black and purple wig and spider necklace.

Julia and Maegan enjoyed decorating their own cupcake at the party.

Girls whispering!

We also celebrated Maegan and Julia's 9th birthday together at Emon Beach (both turned 9 the same week).  Organized by Jane and Carrie, the party included food, cake, swimming at the beach, a pinata, games and a scavenger hunt.  The scavenger hunt was the highlight: the girls were divided into two teams (Maegan's and Julia's) and they had a list of 12 items that they had to find or complete tasks around the island.  Some of the items they were supposed to find included a coconut, hermit crab, local newspaper, piece of trash, etc.  Tasks included singing a Marshallese song and pushing the birthday girl down the street in a shopping cart.   It definitely was a memorable birthday this year.

The birthday girls enjoying the beach...

Mason enjoyed the playground with his buddy, Scott, during the party.

Time to enjoy the food and cake.

Mason loves the swing...

Mason and his buddy-in-crime, Scott.

Maegan is excited about the food and the scavenger hunt.

Hmmm-Hmmm good!

A game of eating whipped cream without hands.

Birthday girls getting messy!

Carrie and Jane explaining the rules of the scavenger hunt.
The two teams pushing the birthday girls in the shopping cart.

Maegan gets a free ride!!

Kwaj girls!

Jane lighting candles on the b-day cupcakes.
Julia taking a swing at the dolphin pinata.

Maegan loving the gifts from her friends.

What a way to end the party with a gorgeous sunset...

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