Friday, July 20, 2012

Swimming, Flag Football, and Mother/Son Dance Party

Well, it has been awhile since we have loaded some pics.  Time to catch up.  Here are pics from the last swim meet in 2011, Maegan's flag football game, and the mother/son dance party.  Enjoy.

Swimmers, take your mark...


Nice Dive!

The junior level swimmers.  Maegan is in the back right and Mason in middle left in a pose.

Maegan keeping herself busy between heats.

Mason enjoying his favorite part of the meet.

Mom is focused on the competition.

Maegan is her ready stance during the game.

Maegan playing quarterback for a couple of downs.

Mom and son ready for their date at the Mom/Son Dance Party.  Great Pic.

Perfect way to start the party with a tropical drink.  Yum!!

Heidi and Lanston Rowell enjoying the party.

Everyone taking their practice for the limbo contest.

Of course, Mason thinks he figured out how to win the contest... :)

Next, it is the foosball competition.

Then having fun with friends on the dance floor.  As you can tell, there was not a whole lot of dancing with the Moms going on.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys have a blast! Posting to Kwaj-Net Facebook:


    Bob Raymond
    Kwaj-Net Administrator
