Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Flag Football, Beach, Kitesurfing

Well, it has been a long time since our last post so below are some of last year's highlights. Hopefully, we can catch up in the next couple of weeks. Last fall, Mason and Maegan participated in flag football and they both had a great time. Enjoy the pics...

Mason (center) having fun!

Maegan catching a pass from the QB.

The defense is getting ready...

Maegan is covering her friend Julia.

Live action...

The following pics were taken at the Kwajalein turtle pond, home to two endangered green sea turtles: Speedy (150 lbs) and Big Guy (250 lbs). They have been in captivity for over 15 years and the command, in coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, agreed to release them in March 2012. They were released in the open ocean on the west side of the atoll. Large letters ("S" for Speedy and "B" for Big Guy) were painted on their shells in order to identify them in the future. It was a successful release. However, they are dearly missed by the residents who would routinely feed them.

Maegan reaching for Speedy.

Mason saying hello with a hand-flipper shake!

  Leafy greens and veggies...even carrots!

He's going for the carrot!

Can you guess which one is Big Guy?

Mason rolling out the Gingerbread dough.

Maegan decorating her gingerbread girl.
 Maegan and Misty enjoying Glass Beach.

Mason searching for Mom's favorite sea glass: blue or red!

 Mason with his buddy "Scott E" exploring at Glass Beach.

Maegan playing in the waves at Coral Sands Beach.

Happy boy.

Mason has the beach all to himself!

Kids ready to witness their Dad kitesurf.

Gus waiting to get dragged around the atoll by the kite.

Here we go....

Gus enjoying his drag in the water. He did eventually make it
onto a small beach a half mile downwind.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Were you up on the board for awhile?
