Monday, July 11, 2011

Countdown To Travel Day (Part 4)

One 25 June, Mike and Gus drove to Rooster Rock Part (East of Portland) to participate in one last paddling event together with the Tri-Cities Outrigger Canoe Club for awhile.  The weather was excellent, the racing was challenging and each TCOCC crew placed well in their division (2nd, 3rd, and 4rth).  The club had a great attitude and everyone enjoyed the day.  Will definitely miss the club and the races.  Hope to come back each summer to get in on some of the action (if they will accept me).
Mike is discussing the gameplan for the race...deciding whether to use our secret weapon...

the Dynamic Duo

Paddling buddies

Amy, Kathy, and Tamara with some short bald-headed goof

Kekoa gearing up for the big event

Lokahi getting psyched up

Uhane stretching out their muscled prior to the event.

Start of the race

Uhane and Kekoa fighting for position

Kekoa pushes through in front of Uhane after 10 miles

Time to relax and talk stories of the race

After returning from the Rooster Rock race, we were able to eat with Rodney, Jodi, and Joshua at Red Robin.  Last time we would be able to see them before we departed.

Rodney, Jodi, and Joshua

Watch Out Red Robin!!!!

Maegan looking over the menu

Joshua was having a good time...

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