Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Beginning of Our Venture (Part 2)

After the first two days on Kwajalein (work days), we spent part of our weekend visiting the American/Japanese pools for a swim with the fish. Not exactly sure how they were created, but I believe over 60 years ago they (both Americans and Japanese) dug out some of the coral from the south side of the island to fill-in the other side of the island. Today you can walk the reef at (and only) low tide to go swimming, diving, and snorkeling. See pics below...
Mason walking the reef at low tide; water booties a must!
Maegan exploring the coral reef.
Maegan near the edge of the reef at one of the pools.

Purple-tipped Coral
No diving board necessary!

Maegan's best belly flop into the pool.
Mason very carefully climbing up onto the coral reef.
Mason's jump in!


Maegan standing in our living area; dining room is in the background. This is the island style furniture that was provided; we don't plan to keep most of it when our own arrives.


  1. Wow! Looks like you have some pretty nice living accommodations. They appear to be well maintained considering the environment. Again, so much looks very familiar (furniture). LOL!

  2. You're right Hawk, some of it looks very familiar, especially some of the house furniture that reminds me of our days on JI.

  3. Hello, Aljure family!

    I ran across your blog while searching for things to post on Kwaj-Net. I'm curious about two things: 1) Would you mind if I post a link to this blog on the Kwaj-Net Facebook page?; and 2) Are you guys still on Kwaj? I'd love to keep in touch with you!

    Just so you are aware, I lived on Kwaj 1991-93 and upon returning I set up a web site as a dedication to my stay on Kwaj, to raise awareness of the island paradise and to promote Marshallese culture. You can find out more about Kwaj-Net here:


    Bob Raymond
