Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Countdown To Travel Day (Part 5)

Forgot to mention that we spent Wednesday, 22 June, with our neighbors the Duong's (Mel, Vu, Zarryn, and Rylan) in their pool.  Had a great time with them enjoying the wonderful weather and frying marshmallows.  Unfortunately, forgot the camera so cannot share the experience.  They were great neighbors and their cooking was the best.  We will miss them dearly.

We also spent time with Mason's best buddy Jackson Bailie and his family Sky, Tiffany and Caleb, who graciously allowed us to invade their space by hosting us at their home for a week and a half! It was so nice to have a "home away from home" before our departure. It certainly made the transition for the kids smoother, and it was nice having good company and all the comforts of home (washing machine, kitchen, comfortable bed). We are so grateful for their hospitality and friendship!

On our last day in Kennewick, we spent the afternoon with the Hanson family taking one last swim before leaving.  Kids had a great time as always and Gus and Carrie always enjoy the time spent with Doug and Tara.  We will miss them very much.

How I felt after all the packing for the move...


Doug with his little dunce cap...

Mason and Lindsey enjoying one last hug for a while...

Tara and Carrie enjoying some mimosas...

Misty Moonlight enjoying sunbathing...

We spent the late afternoon with the Millers and the Cryans having one last get together until the next one which may be a year a way.  As always, we reminisced about the fun we have had over the years and the potential future plans with the kids as they get older.  Will miss our loving friends.
Ellie enjoying the playground.

Whatcha looking at Dude!!!

Just chillin'...

Mikey's at it again.  Big Mike looks like the godfatha...

Maegan with her best friend Lauren...

Beautiful ladies...


  1. Dear Gustavo and Carrie: It seems very surreal, incredible. You have been in Kwaj for nearly a month now. We remember when you first started toying with this idea a year ago, and eventually you were offered the job about 3 months ago, and from then on it went so fast but you were able to do everything perfectly well like a clock, sold the house and many of your items, packed, etc, even came to visit with us, and by the end of June you were on your way to Kwaj. The pics are beautiful, when we contemplate them they give us a flavor of your new environment, very seldom if ever you will say again that you have your own beautiful sandy beach and blue crystalline waters for yourselves any time of the day by just bicycling or walking. Your unit seems larger than we thought after seeing the layouts, no doubt you will have your hands full when the cargo arrives on Aug 10. This experience will be imprinted deep inside yourselves forever, but especially in the minds and hearts of Maegan and Mason and , of course, Misty. We love you very much and think of you all the time. Mom, Dad and Besito

  2. Dad, it is so true. Time is just flying by and we are looking forward to our personal shipment to arrive in a couple of weeks. We are also missing our families and friends dearly and cannot wait to see you next year. Our island friends tell us that the year goes by fast once school starts (August 25). Thanks for the comment and will talk to you soon. Miss you dearly.
