Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July 4th Weekend

Mason shaking paws with McGruff the Crime Dog, who came all the way to Kwajalein!
Mason says "he's a superhero who fights bad guys!"
Bike floats in the 4th of July parade.
Be prepared to stand in a long line for island-famous Swanby Snow: shaved ice in creative 4th of July flavors made by our sponsor Don Swanby and wife Diane (hard at work in the above pic). We are so thankful for Don's pre-arrival advice, warm welcome, and help in securing our lagoon-view quarters (home).

Marshallese demonstrating basket weaving...

Primary mode of transportation! Trailers are a must.
Gorgeous sunset view from our front door. Thank you, Don!
Rocky coral shoreline; notice the green Konnat or Scaevola behind Mason: a tree-like shrub that has a long history in the Marshall Islands and serves as shoreline protection and windbreak. Its wood, flowers and leaves can be used for crafts, ornamentation and medicine.

Smaller atolls Little Bustard and Big Bustard in the distance...

Mason riding his loaner bike! Our house in the background.

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