Wednesday, October 12, 2011

August 2011: First ER Visit, Playtime and Snorkeling

Our first visit to the ER was here on Kwajalein! Mason fell back on Misty's wire kennel, which left him with a 1-inch + slice through the scalp. Very scary to see his skull! I was sure he needed stitches, but the doctor used a medical grade "super" glue. This pic is after it had been glued. All healed up now.

Maegan and Mason playing together. Behind Mason is Misty's cage: little clamps hold the sides together, and this is what sliced his scalp open!

Mason helping Dad decorate!

Gus on the lagoon enjoying a paddle.

Carrie on her way to the beach.

Gus loves his new Phat Cycle!

Hanging out at Emon Family Beach.

Maegan snorkeling.

Every Wednesday is the lagoon swim night, where all ages meet to swim together. Here is a pic of Gus and Maegan participating!

Another island rainbow!

Gus swimming in the lagoon.

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