Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Turtle Release and SUPing

The Environmental Department (where Gus works) released two Hawksbill juvenile sea turtles that were found to the open ocean to live life as it was meant to be: free. Hawksbill sea turtles are an endangered species and must be released to the wild when captured, confiscated or rescued.  The larger of the turtles was a male and seemed to move pretty slow, while the smaller female was quite active. Prior to their "golden voyage", they were fed squid to send them off with a full tummy. Maegan and Mason were very excited to be among the few to witness this event! 

May not be fresh squid, but frozen will do!

Caught on tape!

Beautiful and innocent creatures...

The race is on....


The male was a little slow but...eventually made it!

Carrie loves fresh coconut water!
That weekend, we also took our SUP boards out for their first glide on the water.  It was a gorgeous morning and the kids and mom/dad had a great time...

Carrie is headed towards Carlson Island....

The water was almost glassy...

Maegan finds a snail...

Mason posing for the camera...

Gus takes some other kids out for a ride...

Maegan takes Mason for a paddle along the shoreline...

Gus trying out his new board, as Maegan and Mason practice their stroke!

Mason says "Now, it's my turn, Maegan!"

Carrie showing off our new SUP board...

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