Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kwajalein Swim Team - First Practice

Of all the sports programs on the island, the swim team has one of the largest enrollments of kids from Kindergarten through 12th grade on the island. It is an excellent opportunity for Maegan and Mason to improve their swimming skills while in an outdoor, warm water environment.  The pool contains sea water with added chlorine and is replaced weekly. Here are a few pics of their first practice.
Maegan (left) with friend Ella.

Mason (front) with new friend Scott practicing on the kickboard.

Mason wants to know why the kickboard doesn't make him go faster...

Whew!!  Break time...

Teen coach with Mason.

Teen coaches in the shallow end with the kids.
Mason (blue goggles) receiving instruction from one of the coaches.
Maegan diving.
Maegan and her freestyle.

Maegan again...

Gus enjoying watching the kids swim.

Teen coach watching Maegan dive.
Mason's goggles keep leaking!
More instruction for the little ones.
Mason using the kickboard.
Water break!
What a workout!
Mason flirting with his new classmate and friend Leah.
Play time with new friends Kiana and Ella.
Ella is telling an animated story...

Mason thinks Ella is pretty funny.

Ella and Mason

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