Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fun Times

Busy day at Emon Beach!
"Dad, you can't sleep now!"

Gus trying to take a snooze in the sun.

Yes, that is a Dr. Pepper in his hand. Not sure how Mason got that, we only drink Diet Coke!


Maegan spots her friends!

Where are my sunglasses?
Beautiful clouds and sunset behind our handsome boy!

Maegan with one of her new friends, Ashley, in a sand pit.

Mason helping Julia and Ashley dig.
Maegan (center) at the beach with friends.

Maegan (far right) with friends Abbie, Ashley and Hannah.
Notice the face painting and box of vanilla wafers.

Mason diving with his snorkel.
Carrie enjoying another coconut!

Mason and Gus playing the Wii. Notice the tall white lamp to the left of the TV; this is a makeshift "shelf" for our antenna, which is sitting on top of it. We hope to get a custom outdoor antenna, which is what most of our neighbors have installed on their roof.

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