Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Paddling on the OC-2

Kids, Misty, and Paddling!
Misty and Mason

Misty's favorite this normal?
Gus tells me he's never seen a dog lay like this!

Carrie and Gus out for a paddle on the OC-2! Of course he insists on steering.

And I thought it had just been a while since I had paddled...he made me pull his weight around!

Break on Emon Beach.

Leaving for a family walk with Misty.

This is the grass area in front of our housing, with the lagoon just beyond us. During the height of the island's population, this area was packed with silver bullet trailers. We are so happy to have a nice, unobstructed view!

Lagoon, just in front of our quarters.

Trail along the lagoon shoreline, which leads to Emon Beach.

Mason found a coconut!

Boys just love to climb trees!

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